If you’re an artist we haven’t worked with before, here’s how the process works.
(back to For Artists page)
To Be Considered for Inclusion in the Books:

- Look at the list of sketches we still need and choose 3-5 that interest you, listed according to your preference (i.e. first choice, second choice, third choice).
- Email the following information to info(at)thecavesofdanath(dot)com (makes sure to include the “the” in the website)
- your contact info,
- a link to your online portfolio,
- specific links to any work you’ve done that’s similar to what we’re looking for,
- what timeframe you can complete the first sketch in,
- and what your typical rate is for a sketch meeting our requirements (listed below).
- If we think your work fits well with the rest of the book, we will:
- give you text from the book so you understand the context of the illustration, and
- ask for 3 preliminary sketches for one of the sketches we need to make sure your ideas match with our needs.
- Once we accept one of your concepts, we’ll
- agree on a price & deadline for the work, and
- ask you to sign our agreement (giving us the legal right to publish the work in the book)…
…then you’re off to the races (you draw, submit, and we pay)!
Please note: For paintings, we sometimes pay a portion upfront, however sketches are paid for upon completion.
Requirements for the Sketches
- hand-drawn, NO digital images or digital enhancements
- black and white
- no larger than 8.5″ x 11″
- sketch may be signed, but below the image, NOT on the image itself (see Gustafson example below)
- along with the final sketch we require a print-ready digital image (so it can actually be used in the book 😉 )
Examples of Sketches that will be in the Books: