About the Books

The last dragon. A traveling scribe. A cache of ancient scrolls & paintings.

The history that has never been told.

Unbeknownst to even the most educated scholars, history has been manipulated for eons to keep a shadowed group in power. There is only one being alive who remembers the truth, R’ya, the last dragon, and after living several thousand years, she’s feeling her age. Her best hope is to convince a bumbling, but well-meaning scribe to read the stories of the past and spread that knowledge into the future.

Nubbins is just a humble scribe—except, of course, in his own mind—who’s been given the chance to do something great: discover and disseminate hidden scrolls and paintings to change humanity’s understanding of history. When a tiny indigo dragon offers him this wondrous opportunity, he leaps at the chance; however, revealing the past has dangerous consequences in the present.

THE CAVES OF DA’NATH is an illustrated epic fantasy trilogy with original paintings and sketches from 17 of today’s most well-known fantasy artists. The story unfolds over 2 timelines; thousands of years in the past when the one continent splits, and the present, a time seemingly devoid of magic.

Book One Coming Soon (click here for updates)

Read Excerpts from Book One


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