Hello! If you’re an artist we’ve approached about contributing to this book series, this page contains the info you’ll need to make a proposal of how you want to be involved with this project.
Here’s what you should know about the book (besides reading this website!):
- Book Overview (One Sheet)
- Sketch Requirements & Acceptance Process
- List Of Sketches Needed (please note, this is just an example of what we’re currently looking for & is subject to change)
Please take note of the style and feel of the books represented in the art on this site. We want to show a diverse group of characters and creatures that are young reader-friendly. These should not be fairy-tale images, but they should have a sense of innocence and wonder in their visual story-telling. This is not the typical fantasy art of scantily-clad buxom beauties. We want this to be a book that young girls (and boys) can identify with and not feel less-than due to an unattainable ideal of beauty. We celebrate beauty in the natural world and in the optimistic spirit of courage, respect, and compassion.
Here’s what we need from you:
- Contact info (email, phone, mailing address)
- Link to your online portfolio/ website
- How you’d like to be involved (sketches, paintings, book design/layout, etc.)
Please email the above items to info(at)TheCavesOfDaNath(dot)com
(don’t forget the “the”!).
After we review your proposal, if we think it’ll be a good fit for this project, we’ll be in touch. Thanks so much!